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10 tips that will make you a better manager

1. Be true to yourself

When we act out of faith and connection to our values, the results speak for themselves.

Define for yourself what is more important to you and what is less important, what values ​​you want to implement, and make decisions accordingly. It's not just what you do, it’s how you do it. The keyword- values.

2. Promote initiatives outside the work plan routine

Focus on what matters to your employees- anything that will allow them to be proactive and make their voices heard, execute creative ideas, and promote actions that will make them, as well as the organization, grow. This can be an issue related to the core of the work, the implementation and promotion of work plans, strengthening the connection and involvement of employees, or improving the communication channels within the team and in the entire organization.

The keyword - initiative.

3. Choose a diverse team and strengthen the strengths

Each person has different strengths and interests. Good managers know how to connect people from different backgrounds and with diverse skills, find each other's strengths and the things that motivate them, and create their interest at work.

The more diverse the team, the more you will be able to allow the team members to bring their unique skills and, equally important, the things that interest them, to their daily work.

The keyword – diversity.

4. Schedule routine meetings (weekly/bi-monthly) with each of your team members.

Having routine meetings creates personal and continuous relations with each employee, provides a platform for questions, updates, as well as for mentoring and personal development.

Give employees the opportunity to bring their agenda to the meeting according to their needs, to raise issues that are close to their hearts, and find out how you can help them with what they need in order to move forward.

The keyword - personal communication.

5. Ask questions

Asking questions is a great way to learn about the needs of others. A good place to start is asking, for example: How can I help you promote the project? The answers you will receive will allow you to empower employees instead of making assumptions about what can be most helpful.

The keyword - asking questions.

6. Be attentive

Pay full attention to all stakeholders, including colleagues, customers, suppliers, employees, as well as to what is happening around you.

Be open to hearing new ideas, allow talking about difficulties and challenges, and encourage sharing feelings and experiences.

The keyword - listening.

7. Be proactive in your circle of influence

As managers, surely you have things that bother you and cause you tension.

Try to adopt an abundance mindset, and to be proactive in influencing what’s most important to you.

Focus your time, thoughts, and energy on what you have. This way you will be more successful and serve as a role model for your team.

The keyword - proactivity.

8. Look at the whole picture

Each event, decision, and situation can be analyzed from several perspectives. Try to look at things from a bird's point of view and for the long term. This will help you make decisions using a systemic perspective that considers all factors.

The keyword - systemic vision.

9. Allow yourself to learn, make mistakes and evolve

Mistakes are a part of every process, and the road to success is now different. Accept this as part of the journey and learn from it. We evolve from victories as well as from failures. Embrace mistakes and accept them with love.

The keyword - learning from mistakes.

10 . Respect every person for who they are

Respect for others indicates first and foremost respect for yourself. Even if people deviate from the path expected of them or behave less appropriately, continue to treat them with respect. The keyword - respect.

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